Thakkar Shria Ashish



The Monsoon Semester of the CEPT Foundation Programme inculcates foundational design skills through sequential exercises focused on perfecting freehand and perspective drawing, visualizing and drawing complex compositions. Students learn to make technical drawings using orthographic projections, surface development and exploded views of complex objects; develop the skill of estimating sizes and begin to engage with anthropometrics. Ordering principles, colour theory, imaginative drawing and deciphering and interpreting styles help them develop more complex skills. Alongside, parallel exercises focus on describing objects and presenting their own work in writing, while guest speaker lectures offer exposure to other disciplines.

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Drafting objects ,manually or digitally, gives a technical perspective to objects. Three colored matchboxes were composed in an interesting manner to observe, derive and draft different technical views of the composition. The slide contains the hand drafted sheets on the right, some images of the actual composition and AutoCAD drafted images of the same composition on the right

Digital drafting of the surface developments of certain given objects was done on AutoCAD and then represented on the left side of the slide. The drafted sheets contain dimensions of each side of the surface development along with its naming. Hand made models were also made for some of the objects from the ones drafted which are shown on the right.

A mechanical hand drill was dismantled to study its working assembly and mechanism. The slide is composed of the exploded view of the hand drill along with names of each part on the left, a picture of the different parts of the hand drill oriented in order of its assembly in the middle and functional hand drill picture on the right.

The design principles are found all around if set an eye for it. The slide contains a sheet which is a well-composed pictorial exhibition of primary, secondary and tertiary rules of composition. On analysing, each image highlights a primary rule in a particular trend referred to as a tool, as in the first image where the rule of repetition is evident in the trend of the square shape. On close observation, secondary rules such as that of emphasis of the huge red statue and tertiary rules such as the asymmetric balance of the stones having a visible relevance to the image are also mentioned. When setting an eye for it, these principles can be found in the most basic things like the bright yellow leaf emphasizing a green background.

Color is an important aspect of our lives and to study and truly understand it is very important. This was done by attempting to distinguish the different shades, tones and tints of a particular color. The slight saturation of noise difference in the hue changes the overall effect of the color which can be seen in the gradual shift of the color assemblage in its three colors.

Color harmony dictates the composition of various elements. To do so, a mood board and a pictorial collage was made. The mood board shows a graphic composition of the colors and imagery relevant to the word “masculine” accompanied by a derived color palette. Different images of space, materials and clothing relating to the word are composed. A color palette derived from the board’s images includes darker hues of black, brown grey and blue and a yellow tint to emphasize a clear connection between colors and moods. The collage is a pictorial composition of the famous works of the great surrealist artist Salvador Dali. The images are arranged in a harmonically balanced manner.

Each human has a characteristic style that they carry. To decipher this and understand the person and its space is important for a designer. A work space was designed for Buckminster Fuller after deciphering his style and individually which is highlighted in the mind map.

The illustrations, based on an imaginative text, represents an enveloped city called Kaboom which is hidden from the real world. The addition of colours and textures renovates the mood of the city. Due to the absence of light, the entire city has a dull misty purple atmosphere. The fabricated build forms display an antagonistic colour variation from cool to warm colours to represent commercial and residential spaces while the shimmering glow wraps up the magical tone for the drawing. The use of the digital medium for the illustration buttressed the effects and textures allowing myriad experimentations. The importance of effects and the renovated mood following that surfaced in the journey of vague visualization to definite drawing. The use of colour to affect the overall feel was strongly encountered upon.

Understanding the mediums of pen pencil and charcoal was an important skill acquired. The use of different types of tools and undergoing different processes for each medium helped in freeing up the sketching flow while also easing up the flow of idea with time.