Devika Sajith



The Monsoon semester focuses on equipping students with various techniques to visualise, draw and represent. The students also start to engage with existing buildings to identify various building elements, basic construction materials and methods. They practise and work intensively to perfect their freehand drawing and perspective drawing, to visualize and draw complex compositions. They also learn to make technical drawings using orthographic projections, surface development and the exploded view of a complex object. A series of exercises in sketching will enable the students to sketch freely in order to observe, document, imagine and improvise. The exercise on gauging sizes will develop the habit of estimating sizes using one’s body and through it, the students will begin to engage with the concept of anthropometrics. Through the exercise on building elements and materials,

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How Things Work-Stapler The diagram below shows the exploded view of an office stapler consisting of various parts. This module helps us to analyze the components that help in the structure and function of an everyday object and drawing the same using appropriate tools helps us to visualize the object better.

Model Making-Cone The above image depicts a cone made using grey board. The surface development of cone aids in the process of model making.

Assemblage of 3D Solid Forms(Isometric) The assemblage consists of 25 isometric forms including subtracted solids and wireframes. This showcases the freehand skills acquired during the exercise.

Technical Drawing-I The top view, front, right and left elevation along with the isometric and axonometric views of a matchbox composition is depicted in the above image.

Building Elements and Materials The image attached here shows what a building would look like when it is sliced along one of its sides, thereby displaying the different components that constitute the inner and outer part of the Faculty of Architecture building.

Gauging Sizes This is a freehand sketch of a room in a hostel when sliced horizontally at the eye level of a human and viewed from the top. The section and image of the room add on to the overall understanding of the plan.

Varanasi Field Studio-Street Maps and Sections This study covers the marketplace, Sona Wala Khoti in Chawkhamba, and Govindinayak Lane, a residential street directly connecting to the marketplace. The main objective of our study is to understand the sharp transition from commercial environment to human settlement which is accompanied by the change in activities, sounds, human and animal density, width of galis etc. This is achieved by mapping the various streets and analyzing their different sections.

Technical Drawing-II The image represents the half model of Nandhini building in Gandhi Ashram. The exploded roof constructed on a 1:25 scale explains the various joinery details and materials used in its making.