Harshi Divaker Mehta



The Monsoon semester focuses on equipping students with various techniques to visualise, draw and represent. The students also start to engage with existing buildings to identify various building elements, basic construction materials and methods. They practise and work intensively to perfect their freehand drawing and perspective drawing, to visualize and draw complex compositions. They also learn to make technical drawings using orthographic projections, surface development and the exploded view of a complex object. A series of exercises in sketching will enable the students to sketch freely in order to observe, document, imagine and improvise. The exercise on gauging sizes will develop the habit of estimating sizes using one’s body and through it, the students will begin to engage with the concept of anthropometrics. Through the exercise on building elements and materials,

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Digital Representation, a module where I was exposed to new softwares, presenting all my first tries.

FreeHand Drawing, a module that began from sketching without tools to hatching with various intensities and finally making assemblages.

Field Studio to Varanasi, where I studied the streets behind the ghats and represented the doors in a pictorial method.

How Things Work, a module where I drew the exploded view and represented a Camera through its isometric view.

Technical Drawing, the basics.

Technical Drawing 2, a step further to working with technicalities and working on sites.

Model Making, representing the sites and it's wall sections through models.

Allied Module, a step to brush up my sketching skills for L2.

Gauging Sizes, a module where I gauged sizes of objects using my body measurements.

Building Materials and Elements, a module where I learnt the composition of a building.