Orra Ketan Patel



The Monsoon semester focuses on equipping students with various techniques to visualise, draw and represent. The students also start to engage with existing buildings to identify various building elements, basic construction materials and methods. They practise and work intensively to perfect their freehand drawing and perspective drawing, to visualize and draw complex compositions. They also learn to make technical drawings using orthographic projections, surface development and the exploded view of a complex object. A series of exercises in sketching will enable the students to sketch freely in order to observe, document, imagine and improvise. The exercise on gauging sizes will develop the habit of estimating sizes using one’s body and through it, the students will begin to engage with the concept of anthropometrics. Through the exercise on building elements and materials,

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The primary focus of this exercise was to teach us to draw straight lines, 2D and 3D shapes, making compositions and rendering without using any tools.

This exercise taught us to use drafting tools correctly and making precise surface developments to make correct models.

In this exercise we dismantled a mechanical object of which we had to draw isometric explosion for its assembly along with few blowup details and working principle.

We had to identify the building element and the material it is made from in the wall sections of some of the buildings of our campus.

The exercise on gauging sizes will develop the habit of estimating sizes using one’s body and through it, the students will begin to engage with the concept of anthropometrics.

This exercise taught us to use drafting tools correctly and making precise plans, sections and elevations, of a building in Sabarmati Aashram, to make a correct model of the building.

This exercise taught us to use drafting tools correctly and making precise plans, sections and elevations, of a building in Sabarmati Aashram, to make a correct model of the building.

Varanasi field studio helped us understand the deep-rooted connection of the surroundings with the people living there and their activities.

Varanasi field studio helped us understand the deep-rooted connection of the surroundings with the people living there and their activities.

Digital representation week taught us Photoshop, Indesign, Autocad and Skethup.