Vikrant Rajeshkumar Singh



Climate change presents pressing challenges for infrastructure, particularly due to the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, which severely impact the resilience and functionality of highway systems. This underscores the urgent need for innovative construction and maintenance solutions that not only address these vulnerabilities but also reduce carbon emissions to mitigate further climate impact. In this study, a detailed vulnerability assessment was initially conducted to pinpoint the most critical areas needing intervention. Subsequent phases focused on developing strategies for green highway construction and maintenance that prioritize sustainability. This involved estimating the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from existing practices and exploring alternative, less carbon-intensive materials. The study aims to significantly reduce carbon emissions while enhancing the infrastructure's ability to withstand the ongoing and future challenges posed by a changing climate, thereby aligning with global efforts towards environmental sustainability.  

Report Content


Literature Review

Research Methodology

Rainfall Data Collection

Green Construction Materials Data Collection

Materials Data Analysis

Rainfall Data Analysis

Vulnerable NH Identification



Project Video