Khushi Kesarwani



In today's fast-paced world, fast fashion is all the rage. But with it comes a hidden problem: textile waste. Every year, tons of clothing end up in landfills, causing big environmental headaches. India, a powerhouse in the textile industry, contributes significantly to this waste. There are two main types: waste generated before products reach consumers (pre-consumer) and waste from consumers (post-consumer).Post-consumer waste poses a significant challenge due to its diverse mix of materials, making sorting and recycling difficult. However, solutions like Reverse Logistics incentivize customers with discounts for returning clothes for recycling, alongside the crucial push from government in the form of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for waste management. Together, these initiatives pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future in the fashion industry.

Report Content

Background and Introduction.

Policies around the world

Technologies for recycling and reuse

Business Models of Different Brands

Dumping Sites Of Textile Waste Worldwide- Post Consumer Waste

Textile Boosting Policies but No Policies for Textile Waste.

Indian Waste Tonnage analysis.

Survey Finding for Pre-Consumer Waste

Survey Finding for Post-Consumer Waste

Recommendations , Prepared EPR model and Reverse Logistic Backward Flow.