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  • Architectural Conservation- sooraj masi no upashray

Saatvika Satyanarayan Pancholi


Architectural Conservation- sooraj masi no upashray

The site is located in walled city of Ahmedabad, in a predominantly jain settlement of Zaweriwad. The built structure for which the conservation approach is developed in an " Upashray", which is a religious space for jain community. Work focuses on archival research, precise documentation, effective condition mapping, condition assessment, analysis of attributes, deriving the statement of significance, developing an approach for conservation and designing , building repairs and a conservation management plan for its effective use. 

Report Content


Condition mapping

Condition assessment

Analysis of Attributes

Structural understanding and Statement of Significance

Concept and process for design intervention

Design intervention at building level

Designing details and visualization of spaces

Design intervention at Khadki level

Building repairs, execution and management plan