Anees Fatma


Vieled Vault

In the heart of Historic city of Ahmedabad, where time has woven a tapestry of stories into the fabrics of its streets, stands a site with a rich architectural legacy which stands steady from decades. The idea is to create a design that seamlessly connects the old and the new, forging a dialogue between the past and the present, while embracing sustainability as an integral part of the design philosophy. The intervention takes the form of a contemporary structure that delicately juxtapose itself against the backdrop of time-worn buildings, echoing the language of the past through subtle nods to traditional forms and materials. Material like brick taking the form of Catalan vault will not only harmonizes with the surrounding architecture but also narrates a story of sustainability by repurposing material with a history. As daylight will filters through the intricate openings, will cast dynamic shadows, creating a play of light and dark, that becomes a visual metaphor for the passage of time. 

Report Content

Project_1 Form exploration through Architectural Expressions

Design evolution considering the contrasting context

Project_2 Concept Building

Site plan for understanding the scale




System Detailing and Exploration

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