Sruthi Rose



This semester was focused on building our foundation on designing, studying, understanding and representing our thoughts  in a better way. This involved studying three different  casestudies from Ahmedabad, India and an International one, on the basis of unit, block, cluster and the site. The final module was a design exercise  which is Couple housing, where we would incorporate our studies in the design.

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Module 1- Let's talk Housing

Module 2A- Ahmedabad Casestudy

Module 2A- Ahmedabad Casestudy

Module 2B- International Casestudy

Module 2B- International Casestudy

Module 2C- India Casestudy

Module 2C- India Casestudy

Module 3- Housing Typology Design Exploration

Module 3- Housing Typology Design Exploration

Module 3- Housing Typology Design Exploration