


After a three year practise, designing conventional typology of spaces, it was refreshing to develop an architecture brief for the public. 
It was interesting to understand that public spaces like toilets are not merely toilets. They can be symbols of the culture and discipline of society. Concepts like inclusivity, ensuring female friendly toilet spaces, toilets as public spaces for communing made the toilet design much more than what was expected.
Introduction to the themes helped in creating an wholistic understanding of the site and its surroundings. 
Designing not to solve problems, but to achieve a form of balance - a higher purpose. 
Taking a step back, this studio has helped me understand my priorities. Sub conciously from my toilet design to my impressions of the site to my final design proposal i have been focusing on Equity and gender free spaces. A reflection of who I’am?
Tackling a street design armed with a theme like Equity helped in senstising me about the imperfections in the world and our efforts to make it perfect, to structure the chaos. This is not always posible. Something that was also made clear by my guide who said “ You cant’ achieve world peace through the design of Dafnala road”.

Report Content

| Foundation Studio works |

| Equity and Justice | Unequal distribution of resources and lack of allocation of resources based on need, is a prevalent problem in India. The aim of the following intervention is to create an Equitable environment for the people using Dafnala road on day to day basis. Reimagining Dafnala Road as a STREET - as an Extension of a Public open space, achieving inclusivity for all its category of users.

| Understanding the context |

| Documenting the issues |

| "Inclusivising" of Dafnala Road |

| "Inclusivising" of Dafnala Road |

| "Inclusivising" of Dafnala Road |

| "Inclusivising" of Dafnala Road |

| "Inclusivising" of Dafnala Road |

| "Inclusivising" of Dafnala Road |