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  • Diversity in building-use affects the street character

Ranjana Kalia


Diversity in building-use affects the street character

Any urban environment has many complexities in itself in terms of constantly changing needs and aspirations of inhabitants, which need to be addressed by continuous modifications in design and form of a city. Rakhial has a unique character of home-based industries, which came up after the shutting down of mills in that area, and consequently changed the whole character of the place by the introduction of small scale industries, commercial shops and thus, leading to a mixed-use development. These changes influenced the identity of the place by inducing a different pattern of interaction between various spaces. Hence, this is the study to understand “how does ‘diversity in building-use’ affect the ‘street character’ of an urban environment? 

Report Content


Activity mapping

Diversity in occupation

Fenestrations study


Interaction pattern
