Phanse Rutuja Milind


Informalization of the formal

Informality is a vital characteristic of living city and important part of everyday lives of people and hence there is a need to be addressed it with the same concern as that of formal activities. Informality is a reordering process of a kinetic city by the static city. Informality allows the space to be used in flexible manner by various social actors. Public space that is planned for specific purpose may be used informally for other activities. Sabarmati riverfront and the Ravivari market located at its bank which was earlier an informal place has been formalised after the riverfront development project. In spite of being open for all, this development invites only a particular class of people and activities this makes it an event place which was earlier an everyday place. It is being used only during fixed time slots. City belongs equally to each and every citizen irrespective to their social and financial status and hence both of the classes should have equal access to premium resource of the city. Also the physical and visual access to the water of the Ravivari market which is very fundamental to our Indian context has been lost due to this project by barricading the water body thereby imitating the West. Considering all these issues that the city faces, the design intervention aims at giving back Sabarmati River to Ravivari market and re-informalizing it to get back its past glory.

Report Content

Introduction & case studies

Site Analysis

Design Proposal