Lakshmi S


A Green Hiatus within the Urban Canvas

Decluttering one of the most unhygienic and notorious fragments of land in the heart of the city and streamlining a space for leisure and ecological harmony within it through introduction of a city level park .
 Vision : Removing the negative identity of the site as an unsafe space and a dump yard to give the residents and visitors a safe walkable space for recreation and celebrating community activities while appreciating nature. This goes hand in hand with catering to the needs for various user groups . It thereby improves permeability and wayfinding in the public domain - making it a ‘park for everyone’. Design will be done with a focus on sweeping lawns, large specimen trees that provide shade and a lush understorey of colorful shrubs and groundcovers to unify the various intended activities .  

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Report Content

1. Ideation and interpretation |Site Introduction

2. Ideation and interpretation | Eidetic Photomontage

3.Ideation and interpretation | Site Analysis

4. Ideation and interpretation | Systemic Thinking

5. Ideation and interpretation | Project Brief

6. Conceptualization | Site Zoning , Masterplan , Conceptual planting - 1 Acre

7. Crafting Landscape | Zoomed in - Detail planting plan 10x10m patch

8. Crafting Landscape | Planting character of 10x10m patch

9.Crafting Landscape | Zoomed out - Detail Planting Plan - 1 Acre

10 . Crafting Landscape | Final Visualization and Conclusion