Aarati Binayak


The Curious Child and the Water

Water is not just a vital element in our lives; it can also be experienced in a whole variety of ways. It creates different kinds of atmosphere and moods that appeal to our feelings. (Dreiseitl & Grau, 2005)
With the intent of celebrating water, an experiential landscape is designed to spread across the eight acre site. The water bodies act as anchor points, defining the character of the setting they are situated in. 

These points of interest celebrate the essence of water and introduce activities such as wading, splashing, feeding fish, etc which have been derived from the curious explorations of a child. These different fragments of water and the associated settings come together to form the landscape.

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After studying landscape typologies across ahmedabad, a landscape vignette was selected as inspiration for designing various options for gardens.

The thought process

Design process & concept sketches

Plant research

Design process incorporating the research

Final design with details showing how each water body has influenced the design of its surrounding landscape