Nimisha Londhe


Reimagining open through 'Edibles'

‘Food an asset that unites people’: A productive use of community spaces enhances interaction between the people and encourages them to educate themselves about the roots of edible landscape, in a way understanding it as an important asset of life. Creation of an edible garden is a small initiative towards creating a community space where they can go outside, eat, interact with the nature and have fun, a place that celebrates season through the productive landscape. We eat food but we usually forget from where it is coming , what is the kind of effort that is taking to grow the food. The project aims in making community aware of the importance of productive landscape and making it a part of everyday life. Building a community with a mindset of growing their own food, and perceive Edible plants as essential part of building future by optimizing the use of land. A place where people reconnect with the beauty of Productive landscape and experience it. ‘Making unusual, a usual way to live, as impact of a well-built green space can impact a blighted community.’

Report Content

Another perspective to productive beauty

Site- Sector 8, Gandhinagar

Two processes followed for Edible garden

Phasing: Development of garden in span of 6 years

Site Plan and Programming

Site sections


Detail Planting and Sections and Seasonality

Detail Planting and Seasonality

Final Site View