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  • Streets names as a Palimpsest in Lutyens Delhi

Anjali Sreekumar


Streets names as a Palimpsest in Lutyens Delhi

This studio aims to look closely into Lutyens Delhi, to formulate a research and to think of ways of disseminating the research. I have looked into the palimpsestic history of street names in Lutyens Delhi to understand how such an intangible element reveals conflicts and interests of a nation. The Lutyens Delhi was planned in a way to impose their supremacy and strength, this was reflected in the naming of streets as well, which have undergone stages of renaming thereby forming a palimpsest. By analysing street names through the aspects of identity, memory and politics it is revealed that a virtual political landscape setting is created via street names. I have created YouTube videos for the dissemination of this information in the social realm. 

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