Upadhyaya Parita Rajeev


Panah at Gota Lake

The first part of the studio included understanding the feeling of life and sense of belonging through the mirror of self. Personal objects and the place of belonging at Gota were further analyzed with the living structures and 15 fundamental properties addressing their wholesomeness respectively. The second part of the studio further extends enhancing the place of belonging by following the already existing patterns. The to and fro approach of exploring the design of landmass and intervention through different models at different scales help to identify and strive to achieve wholesomeness at the level of lake as well as intervention.

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Capturing life at Gota through emotional lenses

Capturing lines of felt emotion (love) and transforming them to lines of other emotion (joy)

Capturing feeling of life through sense phrases

Place of belonging at Gota and its living structures

Mapping the place with the most sense of belonging with its living structures

Fifteen properties in a personal natural object (mirror of self)

Fifteen properties in the place of belonging (mirror of self)

The experiential vision drawing

Detailing in Plans
