Simran Saumilbhai Mashruwala


The Blackhole

In urban housing projects, due to conventional circulation cores where most people tend to take the lift, going from the outside world to your home becomes like traveling through a blackhole, It takes you from a universe called ‘world’ and throws you into an alter-universe called ‘home’. The project aims to make this transition smoother. The concept is to make every Floor feel closer to the Ground; hence encouraging the usage of staircase, even if for a few flights; and making the transition from the outside world to home smoother. The mass is arranged in a way that humanizes the large scale of the project, and the circulation strategy uses express lifts that access only three intermediate terrace floors.

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Report Content

Intention and Concept of the Project

Articulation of the Massing on Site Scale

Quantitative Aspect of the Project

Isometric View of the Project

Ground Floor Plan


Articulation of the Unit

Unit Plan



Project Video