Lavanya A



A people-centric ecological approach of intervening in an existing lifescape, where the real-time program is formulated by living with and understanding the needs of the community. The site is zoned based on various existing activities, happening in the community like children playing in the maidan, women stitching clothes or organic spaces of interaction, and so on. The challenge was to integrate the existing activities while retaining the existing vegetation and topography present. The playscape for children utilizes the natural topography to create a free flow of movement. In order to create a self-sustaining economic model, few spaces for visitors like Nursery, ecological walks, urban farming along with supporting services are introduced while clearly demarcating spaces for public, semi-public, and community usage. Thus the intervention aims to empower and enable the community while establishing a deep connection with the ecology by protecting the native species. This is a prototype for addressing core needs and assuring the holistic well-being of the community. Come experience the communescape! 

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Report Content

Site Introduction

Mapping the Site for Physical Attributes | Stakeholder Mapping and Synthesis

Vision and Program | Program Development

Master Plan Process

Master Plan | Sections

Design Development


Design Impact Assessment

Design Impact Assessment

Landing textual and graphical