Gangurde Mugdha Vishwas


Cloaked in Emotions

The studio guided me to explore various tools such as keywords, haikus, poems, landings, land artists, and phenomenology to grasp how landscape design can be shaped using these elements. 
"Cloaked in Emotions" - Crafting experiential landscape in graveyards is a project aimed at creating an immersive landscape within a graveyard. The design concept seeks to transition the graveyard from a solemn space to a tranquil oasis amidst nature. The term "cloak" symbolizes that the nature is covering the graves intensifying the emotions experienced by visitors as they reconnect with their loved ones and progress toward acceptance along a serene pathway.

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Keywords Exploration | Haiku Exploration

Poem Explorations

Regional poem Exploration | Landing Exploration

ACT Land artist Exploration | Phenomenology Exploration

Landing | Site Analysis | Site Synthesis | Methodology

Design Explorations

Concept | Program | Zoning

Master plan | Site Sections | Site visuals

Planting concept | Planting strategy | Seasonality

Detail Planting plan | Views