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  • LA4017
  • From a Glance to a Gaze| Barren land to bearing land

Ankita Jayaram Hema


From a Glance to a Gaze| Barren land to bearing land

The site Vasna is located in the south of River Sabarmati in Gujarat. It is a barren land with no vegetation except the invasive species like Prosopis julifolia. There are various problems on site like soil degradation, soil erosion, pollution of river and loss of biodiversity. These aspects makes it important for Ecological restoration. The vision is to establish an indigenous flora beyond the defined premises, in order to enhance soil fertility and water retention, thereby restoring soil quality. By introducing select human elements into the space, it can be kept active and vibrant. Over time, the different species will interact and coexist, creating a naturalistic and diverse environment. This will transform the area into a biodiversity hotspot in the heart of Ahmedabad, aligning with our vision for ecological restoration and sustainable development.

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Report Content

Site Analysis

Master Plan Alterations and Process

Final Master Plan

Site Sections

Planting Strategy Alterations and Process

Final Planting Strategy Plan

Seasonal Variation Matrix

Detailed Planting Plan

Seasonal Variation Plan

Physical Model Photos