Ritika Anil Jaggi



While developing, we forget the strings of nature, which are tied with each other to become a support system. These strings of nature are the minute layers, such as water, soil, and topography. When these strings are disturbed, we lose the biodiversity within. This project intends to tie the strings so that it goes with the development across and supports the lake system. The lake has lost its natural layers because of the anthropogenic pressure created around it. The idea behind the project is to showcase how we can have an idea of sponges within such spaces. These sponge spaces can hold multiple activities, yet it is covered with the wilderness that people of the cities look forward to. The series of ponds and swale are like the threads which help bring the water to the site. It will ensure that the water is present even in harsh conditions and that the surrounding tires hold themselves even in extreme conditions.  

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Investigation and ideation | From observation of the site visits, experiences and spatial character were expressed through sketches. Through reading, the understanding was extracted in the form of abstracts.

Reading and recording the site| A site was identified in Ahmedabad city under the typology of Ecological restoration. Through a thorough study of the site, various issues were identified. Also, the natural layers of the site were studied carefully to get an understanding of the context.

Design conceptualization | Developing a site with natural layers is a priority, with exploring different ways to design the site. Various designs have been explored through sketches, montages, models and sections.

Design conceptualization | Developing a site with natural layers is a priority, with exploring different ways to design the site. Various designs have been explored through sketches, montages, models and sections.

Design conceptualization | A few ideas were clubbed from the above alteration to form a master plan. To support the master plan, sketches, models and sections were drawn to express the experience of the spaces.

Restoration | With further site development, it was necessary to understand the restoration process.

Shaping spaces | A part was chosen from the master plan for developing a planting strategy. Matrix was sketched to understand the difference in experience in responding to the planting strategy alterations.

Shaping spaces | A final planting strategy was carved out from the alteration done. To understand the dynamics of time and season, which are essential factors of landscape, montages were made to explore the experience.

Planting | Further, a patch of 3 acres was taken to detail the planting plan. With that, different compositions were also worked on to get an understanding of textures and layering.

Planting | A patch was detailed to show seasonal variation. Supporting that montage were also extracted to understand the experience change in the space.