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The project is an attempt to transition Luheri’s cultural and agricultural practices into sustainable practices that conserve bee populations. Honeybees are deeply valued in the tribal Kukna community of Luheri. Beeswax holds great cultural importance and is also used to create the Ghanghali instrument. The conservation of bees is vital not only for pollination but also for preserving local traditions. The project aims to enhance bee habitats in an attempt to reconnect agriculture with their roots. Key interventions include establishing pollinator corridors using culturally significant plants, placing bee boxes made from locally sourced resources in fields, and introducing the SRI (System of Rice Intensification) method for paddy cultivation and integrating them with their cultural practices. These practices create an ecosystem where honeybees and biodiversity can thrive, supporting long-term food security, ecological resilience, and cultural continuity in Luheri village.
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