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  • Decoding a Building - Faculty of Arts at JNV University

Shivani M


Decoding a Building - Faculty of Arts at JNV University

This studio was divided into three major modules. The first focused on how to write formally about buildings, which set the stage for our main studio derivatives. It was followed by a site visit to study Uttam Jain's buildings. We examined the post-1950s, unpacking the layers that tie to Post-Independent India's history. Module two focused on the production of drawings that highlighted the peculiar aspects of the building. Module three consists of reading seminars that provide a link between the building and the larger historical frameworks and add our own layer of analysis to them.

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Cover Sheet

Summary of Scriver and Srivatsava's text

The Lecture Notes and Slides

The Lecture Notes and Slides

Base Drawings produced as a part of documenting the building.

Order of Construction

Order of Construction

Architect's Focus

Functional Organization
