Mehendale Vidula Suhas Sandhya


Galvanizing the Urban Threshold

The Sidi Saiyyed Mosque traffic-island visibly symbolizes arrival to the old city, surrounded by the underground Palica Bazaar and Sardar Baug. These public spaces are lifeless as they are dissected by circulation. Despite the high potential to exhibit socio-cultural &historical relevance, the neighborhood has lost its 'identity'and'sense of arrival' to traffic, noise, and congestion. Historically we have seen that the bazaar is a type of economy, a social class, and a way of life and hence can represent the city. The project tries to revive the concept of the underground Palica Bazaar in-turn giving the city its 'sense of arrival'.

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Ahmedabad - Through the lense of 'Reuse' and 'Recycle'

Problematizing the Site

Visual Manifesto and Program

Architectural Rule Sets

Site Plan and Section

Plan & Sectional perspective

Plan & Sectional perspective

Section and Views

Views of the market and Garden