Madireddy Kaushil


The Outpost : Bundside Preservation

Outpost refers to a small group of buildings or towns representing the authority or business interests of a government or company far away.
The “Outpost” intervention aims to preserve landscapes by encouraging community engagement in responsible mangrove forests and agro-system management. It bridges the gap between commons and creates infrastructure for collective practice, preserving the mangrove landscape and maintaining a healthy balance between the community and the wetland landscape in Salvador Do Mundo. This intervention operates as a small maintenance camp, with occasional visits from communities and research labs monitoring the mangrove and bund stretch. The approach involves minimal maintenance at monthly rates, preserving the landscape, and avoiding the need for large facilities.

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Report Content

Aquatic Commons - Mangroves

Site - Salvador Do Mundo, Goa

Site Model - Abandoned Khazan lands and double bund formations

Site plan with Interventions

Process Section - Initial Thoughts on Preservation

The Outpost - Plans

Short section through the outpost and the bund landscape with the creek and khazan lands

Axonometric drawing showing the assembly of the outpost. This structure consists of steel as a primary structural material along with wooden wall framework and flooring.

Axonometric Drawing with Context

Outpost Physical Model - 1:25