Modasiya Mohammedzeeyan Salauddin


art gallerY

In the rejuvenating CEPT campus where new tools and techniques have been tried and appreciated for learning, End semester exhibition has been of great importance for all the students as well as the University. To amplify the experience of the exhibition different methodology and curation techniques are used. This site is going to be an exhibition center cum art gallery for students/artists to curate their work under one shelter. To articulate the design idea various aspects are to be considered by students as per their own concept. The site has been given by the tutor in which students have to design the overall experience and detail out the space through opening design, staircase and display elements. The design process follows conceptual design approach, documentation of doors, windows and staircases and at the end designing of all these elements along with display elements.

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Site analysis and concept.

Final plans.

Elevation and structure details.

Documentation window.

Façade and window details.

Documentation door.

Opening design.

Staircase design and detailing.

1:1 Prototypes.

Render views.

Project Video