Aryaa Prashant Bhagwat


MAKANI : Exploring Ply-Split Braiding

“Craft is the vehicle for expressing your vision. Craft is the visible edge of art.”In this studio, we explored the technique of ply-split braiding, which is a craft that comes from northwestern India. We started this journey with cotton fibres and concluded it with a full scale product that showcased the braiding technique in all its glory. Whilst experimenting with various materials, methods and structures of the braids, we also learnt how to incorporate this into furniture and products that we use in our lives. It was an opportunity  to dive deep into an essential craft of our country.

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Fibres, Yarns and Cords

Basic Braids

Analysing the braids and Modifying them

Introduction to ply-split braiding

Analysing ply-split braiding

Making 3 Dimensional Objects

Developing a Product

Incorporating the context of the product

Designing and making of the metal stand

Hammock being used