Thakkar Aneri Kamesh


Eco Pockets - Plant Your Joy!

Eco Pockets form a plantation unit for indoor and semi-indoor spaces. The unit functions as a sustainable solution allowing easy cultivation of flowering plants, succulents and even provides the joy growing your own herbs and small vegetables at your ease. It harnesses the moisture-retaining property of Ply-Split Braiding while minimizing the need for frequent plant care. This is a multipurpose product, with being a piece of art for the wall, it promotes planting in a sustainable way along with space conservation since it essentially grows vertically. For high resolution portfolio slides and product gallery click here 

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Report Content

Hand spinning cotton fibers into yarn

Moving from Yarns towards Braids

Basic Braids- Observations, Steps and Applications

Steps and comparative analysis of Ply-Split Braiding

Initial concept ideas

Understanding the Concept

Finalizing the form

Exploring suitable braiding techniques for the product

Experimenting with jute and coir

Final Product- Model and Details