Hithasini R


Craft + Future = Hybridity

Exploring the question of possible future, the speculations bring out that the cities can go underground due to war or any environmental disaster. As a contingency plan, thematlab is set up at underground structures. Rani ki vav material lab is one such pilot project. The resources are scavenged from the surface of the earth and an inventory of material samples, a material bank is set up. There will be no more local materials. Materials are available everywhere to everyone. The regenerative generation who will be more aware of the product life cycle, depending on the needs, will source material from the material library based on the various assessments. Hybrid models are developed as an outcome of intimate collaboration with the craftsmen and cross-cultural conversations. The material knowledge, skill and technique were taken advantage of and craft as a tool to build new interior spaces. Interbreeding of local with global occurs, which generates exaggerated polymorphism of craft objects (Forms, elements, parts, systems) forming an interior environment.

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Craft in Contemporary Interior Practices

Prototyping the preposition and visionary ideas


Speculated future and site selection

thematlab - Isometric section

thematlab - Zoning | Elements | Sectional perspective

thematlab - Collaborative workspace

thematlab - Material bank and library

Prototypes of the hybrid modules

thematlab app