Jameela Noufa S


Craft + Future = Sensory Systems

Craft from its making to its usage has certain sensory qualities associated with it . The expression and the materiality contributes to tangible sensory experiences to its maker and user, while the narrative associated with it triggers a memory – an intangible sensory quality.  The project proposal discusses this idea with the help of a travelling exhibit, that propagates the Indian crafts with the works of Juhani Pallasmaa as a metaphor. The thinking hand discusses the sensory qualities corresponding to the linkage of the hand with the mind. 

Name of the project : Kala KoodamYear : 2030 Site : Pudhumandapam , Madurai Function : Travelling Exhibit - Space as Exhibit and Craft as Exhibit  Exhibits providing a knowledge on the current and traditional use of context based crafts and its making to its visitors 

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Theoretical Position | Abstraction

Junction Prototypes

Craft For Manufacture

Design Manifesto | Project Proposal

Axonometric view | Project Program | Experiential Views

Sectional Perspective 01

Sectional Perspective 02

Sectional Perspective 03 | Details

Sectional Perspective 04 | Sectional Perspective 04

Element Drawings | Assembly