Devni Haria


Wilderness Walk

The book 'Poetics of Space' by Gaston Bachelard has been the inspiration and reference for this project. It aims to create a dwelling in the topography of tropical jungle. This abode chases the oneiric feeling of being serene, private and with one's own self. The stack-like yet free structure is a whole world in itself and uses the principles of expansion and concealment to stay true to it's nature. Inspired by a hummingbird, this dwelling makes its way in the forest. 

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Creating a very detailed, lookalike image of a space from one's own home taking into consideration all the aspects of light and shadow.

Sketching and narrating memories using household objects and space making elements metaphorically.

Sketching and narrating memories using household objects and space making elements metaphorically.

Find various creatures that reside in the given topography and focus on one of those and depict its abode through sketches.

Going into detail about the habitation of the particular creature.

Coming up with a metaphor that exhibits the oneiric feeling I am chasing.

Making collages using mixed media based on the metaphors formed.

The poetic rituals performed by the character once the dwelling has started taking shape.

Creating a graphic novel depicting the narrative of making of the oneiric home.

Creating a graphic novel depicting the narrative of making of the oneiric home.

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