Shah Medhavi Nishant


Centre for Applied Research

The site was a 750 SQM plot with a dense Neem tree in the center.

3 Promoters: An architect who has keen interest in drama/ theater
                           An industrial designer who is also an entrepreneur
                           A social worker who has work experience at UNESCO
They collaborate to serve the society by constantly bringing improvements in various fields of lifestyle through this centre.
 Only 350 SQM area ( including basement, ground floor and 1st floor ) was to be used to accommodate the following functions:
Exhibition, promoters' private space,  staff space (3-4 people), workshop-organic lab, 6 monthly event, training, storage, pantry and toilet.

Report Content

Final model of the built form. Orange areas are under slant roof, rest have a flat ceiling.

final plans

sectional elevations and opening details

a visualization showing the horizontal character of the space

a view of promoters' space from a 1:20 scaled model

a view showing the entrance to promoters' space along with the mezzanine corridor

a view from outside

process model ( with explorations of slanting roofs)

initial exploration of the built

exploration using ordering and organizational principles