Tanvi Gupta


Incomplete Cubes of Sol Lewitt

 The program intent was to design an Ikea office and display area inspired by works of veteran artists. The identified artist for this design is Sol Lewitt. The concept development commenced from one of his major works entitled “Variations of Incomplete Open Cubes”. The design progresses with a collection of framed cube structures arranged in a matrix. Each frame is projection of a cube with some edges removed, such that the structure stays three-dimensional and the edges stay connected. The fundamental idea of Ikea furniture assembly is paralleled with the concept of the design- ‘creation of part to whole’.

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Understanding Sol Lewitt and Concept development

Site study

Process Development

Layering of Elements

Transition of cubes through plans

Transition of cubes through sections

Part plans and sections

Construction details and design elements

3D Development

Furniture systems based on same concept of incompleteness