Aakanksha Nitin Batra


Start-up living and Co-living

STARTUP LIVING: The task was to think and create how we want to live now and in the future- in our own rooms. We had to design our own home for our exchange time in Stuttgart and realize this design. The use of simple interventions and work with low budget options and limited resources were executed.  link to video
CO-LIVING (BASKETS  GEBEN UND NEHMEN): Designing an intervention to increase the interaction between neighbours and develop an idea of co-living. Baskets geben und nehmen (give and take) is an interactive way of doing the same.

link to video;https://youtu.be/Vh6oCafRz5U

Report Content

start-up living introduction

Site information

Vanity room conceptualization

Vanity room



Utopian idea for co-living

Basket station and products design

Mobile application wireframes

Final exhibition