Sanam Rajeena


The Delicate Ascent

A facade system module that was derived using computational methods, to create curvatures on a surface. To make a surface convey the idea of delicate, curvatures are introduced. To achieve this curvature, a modular system is developed that when assembled using the rules provided, will give various curve patterns on the facade. These modules are made with clay, hence optimised for a simple two step fabrication method using a clay extruder. Depending on the degree of curves required, various different module sets can be created to achieve the same effect. 

Report Content

Exploration in Physical Modelling to achieve Delicate

Morphing the Geometry to achieve Delicate

Physical and Digital Aggregations

Designing the Module

Iterations of the system

Iterations of the system

Refining the Module

Fabrication and Optimisation

Application of the Facade System

Assembly and Details

Project Video