Devni Haria


RANGREZ: A Mobile Puppetry Museum

A traveling museum to preserve and celebrate the rich heritage of puppetry in Rajasthan with a focus on the native textiles. The intent is to cultivate a deeper awareness and appreciation for the diminishing craft by taking it to the heart of communities. This museum has an extension called "Cultural Crossroads," which confronts the potential loss of traditional puppetry to advancing technology, urging reflection on cultural preservation, technological integration, and the intersection of art and innovation and how these seemingly disparate realms can coexist and influence each other.

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The first leg of the process involved questions regarding conventional notions about museums, which led to the making of statements and postcards.

An inventory was made on the basis of the answers to the questions.

Conceptualization of the small museum.

Layouts, exploded views, and experiences of the museum.

Narrative section.

Kit of parts derived by breaking down the museum into enclosures, surfaces, interactions, containers, and connections. Forms of interaction that show how puppetry as toys are getting obsolete.

Micro totem.

How the micro opens up.

How a visitor will experience the micro.

1:5 prototype of the micro.

Project Video