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  • The Gallery of Conflict - Sotheby's Auction House

Janvi Bhatia


The Gallery of Conflict - Sotheby's Auction House

The auction house is a place of exclusivity and luxury. A neoclassical building is chosen to house a Museum and Auction House by Sotheby's. However, instead of building a new experience in the old building, the intervention is designed to experience the building itself in a new way. Being no less than artwork itself, the building is reinterpreted to modernise the experience of neoclassism - which comes from the chaos created in the orderly, a sense of conflict in the duality of the material and its role in running the program itself.

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Sotheby's Auction House

Module 01

Module 02

Module 02

Module 03 | Process of Ornamentation

View from contrasting curved display area leading to the museum

Plans and Sectional Perspective

Physical Models and Exploded Axonometric View

Interior elements and joinery details

View taken from entrance, hinting towards the indirectly accessible auction house