Keha Chowdhary


Behind The Frames

Piece of Shit is a quirky stop-motion animation created as part of the Piece of the World studio project. The story follows a constipated protagonist who unexpectedly finds themselves in a bizarre pooping contest held inside a cave and emerges victorious. Concept and Process This humorous narrative combines handcrafted visuals with stop-motion techniques. The project involved storyboarding, character and set design, frame-by-frame animation, and postproduction editing and sound design. Through teamwork and creative exploration, the film delivers a lighthearted yet technically refined story. Outcome A playful and absurd short film showcasing a blend of storytelling, animation craftsmanship, and comedic flair.

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The initial Film appreciation exercises that we did.

?World Building exercises done to boost Imagination skills through movie series and collage making.

Water colours, script and Logline writing workshops were held to help us use those skills in our movies

?World building and Imagining India through a creative lens helped in our world ideation process.

Animation exercises done to learn basics of animating motions.

Our 1st initial story iteration called Star-Leela

Story Board and script for the Star-Leela movie and set for the same.

The final script and story selected called Piece of Shit. The above images are some of the shots animated.

?Set ideation through illustrations and then putting them through Vizcom an AI application that only iterates on the illustration that is fed to it.

Final set fabrication and Photoshoot for the final film Piece of Shit.

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