Aditya Sunil


M-Glock (A Percussion Instrument)

Design Brief:Design a musical product that emerges from a material and form exploration.
Product Brief:An instrument that quenches your percussive thirst.  It can be played to rejuvenate yourself at the beginning of the day or give you solace at the end of the day. It uses notes (Pentatonic scale) that can be played with a variety of instruments.The vibrating surface is angled to make it easier to strike, while playing seated or in any comfortable posture. 

Report Content

1. Final Working Prototype

2. Making The Final Prototype

3. Engineering Drawings And Exploded View

4. Making sketches of multiple ideas to see which one would be viable.

5. Material And Form Exploration (Wood)

6. Material And Form Exploration (Mild Steel)

7. After studying how this goldsmith's shop works a card game was made that explains the entire working of the space through the game.