S Surya



"All Roads Taken" is a photographic journey capturing the essence of life in a boys' school, reflecting the simplicity and routine of my final seven days there. Rooted in personal experiences, it explores the carefree yet poignant moments that shaped my school life. The project emerged from a process of deep exploration, drawing inspiration from diverse references such as photobooks, films, texts, and literary works. These resources enriched my storytelling, allowing me to craft a narrative with authenticity and depth. This body of work stands as a tribute to the enduring emotions and memories of those final, transformative days.

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Inception from the studio

Brushstrokes and souls

Kitna? - A typology of shopping stalls in Ahmedabad

ALL ROADS TAKEN - Project brief and link to the photobook

Approaches taken

Final Approaches taken

References and inspirations from films and photobooks

Print and Publication of the photobook

Narratives through AI and respective links to the projects

Project Video