Vidhi J Bhimani


Aquarius: a tranquil hideaway

Aquarius is a home away from home for a group of mellow travelers who intend to relax and pamper themselves in a short trip to the city of lakes, Udaipur. The design offers multiple settings of recreational areas around water which is the main driving force of the design s well as the context of the site. The key elements of design are curved walls and arcade which serves functions of guiding movement, providing enclosures, creates small recreational areas to gather around. 

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Intent, User, Concept derivations using diagrams.

Shaping the intangibles, Volumetric Explorations, Elemental study.

Conceptual diagrams and design process.

Upper Level Plan

Lower Level Plan

Mezzanine Plan

Section AA'

Section BB'

Cross Sectional Perspective

Exploded Isometric and Views