Parikh Bhavya Snehal


Sankalan- a platform for all

Sankalan means to unite people, amalgamation of elements. Sankalan is an abode discovered while exploring the grasslands of Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar. The house is perceived as a machan which is a shaded platform where one can take a pause and soak in the nature around. The pavilion thrives a community of like minded users who can observe and share knowledge and experience regarding wildlife. As the landscape gives a 'humdrum existence'; the plinths were used to break the monotony and define different spaces. The roof was articulated with the use of bamboo which breaks the harsh sunlight and directs the vision to the wetlands. An open plan strategy was followed to design the sleeping quarters which were further demarked by shelving units, providing sense of privacy. In course of minimal perception of the built from the surroundings, the private quarters where sunken within the ground. Further this symbiotic relationship with the surroundings, the use of material as brick and bamboo was done.
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Site Impression, Design Intent-User, Process

Diagrams showing design decisions

Section and plan showing interior spaces

Section and plan showing interior spaces

Plan showing bamboo work along with bamboo details

Section showing movement towards water with supporting views

Section showing interior movement with supporting views

Sectional perspective showing connection between levels and with outside along with supporting views

3D view showing materials

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