Riya Rajesh


Management of Savvy Swarraj Township

The aim of the studio was to study the chosen facility in depth to understand the different domains under facility management. The studio involved the identification and analysis of the current management systems and plans after which consequent proposals were made to improve the existing systems. This was followed up by understanding the financial implications.
For in depth study, two topics were chosen - Solid waste management and Housekeeping.

Report Content

Observations- Solid waste management at Savvy Swaraaj

Observations- Solid waste management at Savvy Swaraaj

The management structure at Swaraaj

Organogram of Swaraaj - Phase 01

The economics of the current solid waste management at Swaraaj

Proposed solid waste management plan and collection regime

Proposed circulation route for waste collection and daily regime.

Proposed - Guidelines for efficient management of housekeeping

Time - motion study developed for understanding the location, activity and the time for individual workers.

Recommended schedule for housekeeping at Swaraaj