Divyanshi Srivastava


Managing Townships - Savvy Swaaraj

This project of Managing Townships of Savvy Swaraaj was taken to understand the Facilities Management of the township. The topics under concern included both soft services and hard services. The topics mentioned here are 1- Safety and Security System at Savvy Swaraaj and 2- Water Supply System in Savvy Swaraaj. The study includes the observations on site. After knowing about the current scenario on site  areas of concerns were acknowledged. The issues on site were understood in detail and then solutions were proposed after taking some good examples from the benchmark studies after having the financial study for the proposals.

Report Content


Topic 1 - Safety and Security System at Savvy Swaraaj, Introduction and Benchmark Study

Issue identification and Way-forward

Proposal -1

Proposal - 2

Proposal - 3

Topic 2- Water Supply System at Savvy Swaraaj.

Issue identification and Way forward

Background Study for the proposal
