Anshul Agrawal


Vehicular Movement

In an airport the most crowded area is the approach area as there are passengers, cars, and the people coming to see off. Management of this is really important So this contains the detailed study of the drop off lane at the airport. Observations were made at various times lean and peak. It was found that there is a lot of congestion due to managerial and design issues. Various tools were used to know the root cause like pareto chart, RATER analysis. Finally, short term and long-term solution for a standard operating procedure and its widening respectively was proposed.

Report Content

Highlights of Process Profile Worksheets

Analysis of RATER Survey

Obstructions in drop off lane causing MUDA

Congestion in parking lanes-Transfer of MUDA

Categorization of the causes analysed creating congestion

Methodology for doing cause and effect analysis for Pareto chart

Results of Pareto chart analysis

Short term solution- A standard operating procedure

Long Term Solution- Widening of the drop off lane

Results and benefits of the proposed solutins