Vadanere Manish Prakash


Naranpura Ward Management Plan

The nearest governance unit for each citizen is the ward office where, where they approach their ward for all the basic public services provided by AMC. As a student of Habitat Management we have understood all the roles and duties of each Department constituting at ward to enhance delivery of each services. Our studio work has concentrated on developing a management plan for ward. It includes Comprehensive system study of the ward based on primary survey of citizens & AMC officials. The management plan focuses on strengthening links between ward & Citizens.

Report Content

Overview of the Naranpura ward, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

Streetlights - One of Best Practices in ward

Public Toilets in Naranpura ward- an overview

Assessment of public toilets in Naranpura Ward

Gap analysis for improving public toilet services

Proposal 01- Monitoring framework for cleaning assurance in Public Toilets.

Proposal - 02 Model 01 (Indirect Subsidy model) - PPP model for Improving O & M of Public Toilet.

Business Canvas of model 01 with revenue flow charts

Proposal - 03 Model 02(Sustainable Business model) - PPP model for Improving O & M of Public Toilet

Business Canvas of model 02 with revenue flow chart