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  • Integrated Urban water Management Plan - Udaipur

Vikani Ankitkumar Jentilal


Integrated Urban water Management Plan - Udaipur

Cities are the epicentres of growth and the infrastructure is the backbone of an Urban system. It literally means ‘invisible structure supporting to the system’. the rising Urban phenomenon has directly given rise to challenges for the supply of municipal infrastructure and services. In Indian cities like udaipur different infrastructure facilities provided by multiple institutions and authorities. Conventional City land use plan often neglects the infrastructure services. All the sectoral plans like water supply plan or sanitation plan made separately which causes inefficiency in the system. the key Learning of the studio was to understand process of making integrated citywide infrastructure plan including municipal and non-municipal services in line with land use plan. The baseline city profile has been prepared with primary surveys on the field, stack-holder consultation and secondary literature study like existing master plan and project reports. City vision developed for the 15 year based on principles of Sustainability, Inclusive and resilient. Overall plan connects local intervention to global development inline with sustainable development goals. Group CIP was selected on Integrated Urban water management plan. key objective behind IUWM was to make Udaipur smart in governance to reduce water, Resilient for future in terms of any unforeseen crisis or sudden increase of demand in the future and water secure in terms of quality and quantity. Strategies made on the basis of Gaps Identified and policies needed from Macro to micro level from city to neighbourhood to ward to building level. Individual Pilot project was selected for the revival of traditional wisdom on the neighbourhood level. Studio has provided opportunity to understand CIP process in details and to apply principles of sustainability, inclusive and resilient city with experience of on field surveys in the city of udaipur, also several site visits and interaction with government authorities. 

Report Content

About the studio

CIP journey

My city my infrastructure

City baseline

Baseline survey

water profiling

water profiling

water profiling

pilot project

pilot project visulization