Vadher Mitali Dilip


Adaptive Havens

Building Communities in the Face of Climate Migration: The project examines climate-induced mass migration in 2070 and aims to create adaptable neighbourhoods that foster communities. Acknowledging that mass migration can happen in any of the vulnerable areas, a sample site is chosen to intervene. Using the theory of occupation and the emergence of spaces, street networks and built typologies are designed as an outcome of evaluated iterations. The built typologies result from a simple modification of movement to create shared spaces of different characteristics between units. Evaluating units for different performance criteria creates a kit of typologies to create an urban block.

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Premise of Climate-Induced Mass Migration

Site selection and design ambition

Process of network generation

The concept for typology generation and the process of their modification

Demonstration of changes in base module upon modification and the resultant spaces that emerge

The evaluation matrix takes the typologies created using this method of modification to evaluate them based on these criterias

The evaluation matrix takes the typologies created using this method of modification to evaluate them based on these criterias

The evaluation matrix for semi-open spaces

Visualisation of urban block with emergent community open spaces

Viewing into an intimate courtyard space