Moksha Viral Shah


HydroHaven: A city resilient to floods

Inland flooding is an urgent issue that must be handled as soon as possible. This initiative is concerned with the way of life of people and buildings. The project’s goal is to safeguard people from floods by creating an evacuation network that connects low points to high points. There are additional links created on several levels to increase accessibility and multipurpose public spaces on these levels that serve as public meeting and activity places when the ground is flooded and cannot be used. These public spaces are also green spaces that absorb and store water that people can reuse.

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Report Content

Introduction: What & Why?

Site Selection & Introduction

Ambition & Network Design Strategies

Density Distribution: Site & Patch

Patch: Design Strategies & Pseudo Code

Morphology: Design Strategies

Morphology: Pseudo Codes

Evaluated Patch & Morphologies

Isometric Patch

Detailed View